Pre-Injury Screening
Did you know that current research supports the idea that non-contact sports injuries occur as a result of your own biomechanical imbalances?
And did you know that it’s possible to assess your body for these imbalances using a detailed musculoskeletal assessment and video analysis?
The result is that we can provide you with a detailed report and an individualised “prehab” plan. This is an individualised group of exercises that you integrate into your regular training program. These are designed to make you stronger or more stable, counteract your weaknesses or injury risk factors, prevent injuries occurring, and ultimately to maximise your performance!

Funding Options
We offer on-the-spot HiCaps rebates for your convenience.
We are registered with the NDIS Commission.
Working with a Medicare plan? Let us know how we can help.
We are registered to work with the Department of Venteran Affairs